Q: Why do I have to move my site? What does website migration consist of?

A: The website migration service that we are offering is free of charge (within a certain limit). We’ll transfer your site(s) to our enterprise–level cloud hosting platform without you having to do anything. We know from experience that swapping hosting providers can lead to lost information and unwanted network downtime. That is the reason why we will perform all that for you for free!We have highly competent administrators whose primary job is to ensure that your site works precisely as it did on your old web hosting platform. The administrators are experts in migrating custom–built sites, as well as sites that are based on well–known scripts like Joomla and WordPress.

Q: Why do I have to move my site? What does website migration consist of?
Q: How long will the website migration procedure take?

A: While we cannot give you an exact ETA, since there are many factors, among them the physical size of the files and databases, the physical location of the current host’s server, the complexity of your site and the present workload of our Website Migration Department, etc., we’ll try our best to transfer your site within 48 hours, and in some cases – within 24 hours (when the website content is not very large).

Q: How long will the website migration procedure take?
Q: Do you need something from me before you start moving my website?

A: We will require the login details for your current hosting provider’s Control Panel along with the site’s name (domain name).

Q: Do you need something from me before you start moving my website?
Q: My present hosting account has sensitive data inside. How can I trust you?

A: In order for us to start the transfer of your account, you must already have an account with us. Opening an account with us requires that you to share exactly the same information you have given to your previous web hosting provider. We’ve also got a very rigid Privacy Policy, which specifies how sensitive info is tackled.

Q: My present hosting account has sensitive data inside. How can I trust you?
Q: How about downtime? Will my web site be offline?

A: Your web site will work exactly like it did before with your old web hosting provider. When we have completed the migration, your site will be configured to work on our web hosting platform and we’ll ask you to preview it. If everything is working properly, all you will have to do is modify the NS resource records pertaining to your domain name. Your website will be migrated to us without any downtime whatsoever.

Q: How about downtime? Will my web site be offline?
Q: Will my current hosting provider have to do anything?

A: While we move your web content, your hosting provider will not be aware of the transfer at all. We won’t get in touch with them in any way.

Q: Will my current hosting provider have to do anything?
Q: Which hosting providers can you transfer data from?

A: Yes. We support all traditional Linux–driven web hosting platforms. We do not support Windows–driven hosting platforms, as we do not provide Windows web hosting services ourselves.Furthermore, we do not support proprietary website building and administration tools such as Wix, BaseKit, Jimdo, Website Tonight, Four Square, Mr Site, etc.

Q: Which hosting providers can you transfer data from?