Linux is an Operating System, which is not that popular for desktop machines, but is one of the most commonly used OSs for servers. It is absolutely free, so you will not have to pay any license costs as part of your web hosting payments. Linux is furthermore regarded as the most reliable OS nowadays and due to the permissions which files have along with the file types that can be run, virus files that could infect a normal computer system will simply not be executed on a Linux-based server. Additionally, the Operating System is totally free, so it can easily be changed with no constraints, so as to match the requirements of the web hosting provider and their clients. This also suggests that unnecessary software packages may be removed to make the Operating system lighter and quicker, that can directly result in much better hosting server performance. A large number of Linux machines have the Apache web server set up on them, due to the fact that this program is also absolutely free, fast and secure. It's the most popular web server available and is an element of the LAMP bundle that lots of script applications, such as WordPress and Joomla, require. LAMP is an abbreviation for Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP.

Stable Linux with Apache in Cloud Hosting

The cloud hosting accounts we provide are created on our cutting-edge personalized cloud website hosting platform. Different groups of web servers are used to manage each and every part of the hosting service, including e-mails, databases and so on. All of our servers run Linux. The latter has been personalized so as to make sure that we can give you a stable web hosting service without wasting resources. We also use the powerful Apache web server and we even have a whole cluster for it, so that all HTTP requests between visitors and your Internet sites shall be addressed without any delay. You shall be able to use a wide variety of languages for your websites – HTML, PHP, JavaScript, Python, Perl, etc., and you'll not have to stress about safety or stability problems at any time.

Stable Linux with Apache in Semi-dedicated Hosting

When you purchase a semi-dedicated hosting account for your Internet sites, you shall be able to take full advantage of a protected and stable website hosting service on our revolutionary hosting platform. Linux-powered clusters of machines will provide you with the system resources and the uptime that you desire, simply because this OS satisfies our requirements and permits us to modify the software environment so as to get the most out of the platform, whose architecture contributes to the swiftness and stability of the service even more, as your files, databases, emails, statistics, etc., shall have their own cluster to handle them. To improve the overall performance of your sites further, we use the Apache web server, since our experience shows that it's the best suited one for our customized platform because it's powerful, yet light and speedy.