Over 3400 Perl Modules in Cloud Hosting
Any time you wish to employ Perl-based apps on your sites - ready-made from a third-party website or custom-made ones, you can take full advantage of our vast module library. With over 3400 modules installed on our in-house built cloud hosting platform, you can manage any kind of script, irrespective of the cloud hosting package that you select. When you log in to the Hepsia Control Panel that is provided with all of the accounts, you'll be able to see the full set of modules that we have along with the path that you have to include to your scripts so that they'll be able to access these modules. Since we now have quite a massive library, you will find both popular and seldom used modules. We prefer to be on the safe side, so in case a third-party script that you need to employ requires a module that is not that popular, we'll still have it here.
Over 3400 Perl Modules in Semi-dedicated Hosting
All of our Linux semi-dedicated hosting packages include a big collection of Perl modules that you may use with your scripts. In this way, even if you need to use an application that you've found online from another website, you can be sure that it will work correctly since no matter what modules it may require, we will have them. Our selection offers over 3400 modules including DBD::mysql, URI, LWP, XML::Parser and many others - many of them are commonly used while others not as much. We keep such a significant number to be on the safe side and to be certain that any script shall run on our web servers even if some module which it needs is used extremely rarely. The full list of modules that can be used can be found within the Hepsia web hosting Control Panel provided with the semi-dedicated accounts.