The disk space feature shows the overall volume of data that you can have on a cloud hosting server at a time. With a personal computer, for example, this is the total size of your hard drive or the overall capacity of all of the hard disk drives in case that the computer has more than one. The same way that your space on a home machine is divided between installed programs, documents, your music etcetera, the server storage space is normally shared between internet site files, databases and emails. Each file, folder or email message will take some storage space on your server, therefore you should take into consideration plenty of factors, not only the size of the files you upload. To give an example, receiving sizable email attachments or having a script-driven site where the user-generated content is located in a database will also affect the hdd space you're using.

Disk Space in Cloud Hosting

With the help of our cloud hosting packages, you will never worry about hard drive space. While most companies create accounts on a single server and at some time all the server disk storage will be used, we've employed a cloud website hosting system in which the files, e-mail messages and the databases are handled by distinct clusters of servers. As a result, each machine works better since only one kind of processes is working on it, and the hdd space is practically infinite as we will always install extra servers or hard drives to the cluster, based on whether we need more processing power or perhaps more space. You will never come across a scenario when you are unable to upload more files since there is no free hdd space on the server, that is a problem you may come across with various providers. When you use our hosting services, you can rest assured that shortage of space won't ever be a setback for the growth of your sites.

Disk Space in Semi-dedicated Hosting

With all of our semi-dedicated server packages, the disk storage characteristic is unlimited, so you will be able to concentrate on building your web sites the way they should be and not worry about getting to a limit. Unlike lots of hosting suppliers that generate your accounts on just a single server, we use a custom cloud platform, that enables us to offer you truly unlimited hdd space for each and every account. With just a single machine, there are only so many HDDs which you can use, not mentioning that the most widespread hosting Control Panels are simply not made to function with a large number of servers concurrently. Our system, on the other hand, features clusters of servers for the website files, emails and databases, plus our in-house made Hepsia Control Panel was designed to work with it. We can easily connect as many servers to each of the clusters as required at any given time, so that the hard disk space is practically inexhaustible.

Disk Space in Dedicated Web Hosting

Choosing Linux dedicated servers hosting packages you'll get all of the hdd space that you will need for your websites, databases, e-mail messages and apps. Hundreds of gigabytes of storage will be at your disposal and not shared with others, which means that you are able to upload all of the info you will need - web site files, personal or company archive backup copies, etcetera. You'll get a minimum of two hard disks that function well in RAID, so one drive will mirror the other in real time to ensure that your valuable info is always backed up. If you like, you'll be able to use the hard disks independently and make use of the entire space the way you see fit. If needed, you can get extra drives attached to your server to get even greater disk space. You will have the option to create hosting accounts with pre-defined disk space allowances when you obtain your server with cPanel or DirectAdmin for the website hosting Control Panel. With Hepsia, which is your third Control Panel solution on the order page, all of the domains hosted on your server will share the hard disk storage and they will be operated through a single account. In either case, our dedicated packages will satisfy your needs regardless of the type of web site you would like to host.